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Remi Ray

Remi Ray

Remi Ray is an established coach and trainer who has a formidable career in business and performance. Her niche is in neurodiversity focused on performance and leadership development, helping professionals and entrepreneurs navigate and flourish in their work environment. She has successfully spent the last ten years as a go-to coach, entrepreneur and mentor.

Her clients are spread across various sectors and include senior analysts, directors, project managers, lecturers, solicitors, entrepreneurs, consultants, senior management executives and account managers. Their commonality is that they are looking for ways to build confidence and maximise their strengths in a world that doesn't often understand them.

Remi has a lived experience of the challenges that neurodiverse people have experienced from school to the workplace. At the age of 19, Remi was diagnosed with Dyslexia after years of her skills and talents going unrecognised in mainstream education. Her challenges were further compounded when she entered the world of work.

Struggling to build her confidence, she carried a high level of shame about her learning style and was bullied by senior management as they failed to understand her neuro difference. This lack of understanding, support, and the inability for managers to capitalise on the benefits of having neurodiverse employees on their team has driven Remi's passion for helping change the status quo for professionals and entrepreneurs who find themselves with similar experiences.

Despite her challenges, Remi has had an award-winning career that started in fashion. She created The British Plus-size Fashion Weekend sponsored by retail heavyweights including Arcadia Group, Hanes and JD Williams Group in 2013. Remi contributed to some of the most significant transformations in the fashion industry, and the plus-size market has now become a billion-dollar global business sub-sector. Her love of learning and business then secured her place at Cass Business School, supporting MSc and MBA students. She then went on to join the British Library as a Business Programmes Manager.

Remi has been featured in magazines and television shows and is a prime example of how to capitalise on the superpowers that come with neurodiversity. Her success led her to be recognised as one of the top 50 most influential neurodivergent women in the United Kingdom in 2019. In April of 2017, she started the Diverse Creative CIC, which helps identify Dyslexia and other neurodiverse traits and provides support to parents, children and adults.

As a business and performance coach, 90 per cent of Remi's coaching clients are neurodiverse. She helps her clients overcome their confidence and shame issues and gives them strategies to help them reach their highest potential. She has developed an approach that shows her clients how to rediscover their value, maximise their differences, lead with their strengths and be seen as an asset. Her coaching breaks down the barriers caused by the stigmas commonly associated with neurodivergent clients.