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Olivia Corrie

Tell us about your dyslexia diagnosis - when were you diagnosed and when did you / family members / friends / teachers realise that you were having challenges?

The challenges in spelling was picked up early in primary school. But it was my Mum who recognised it was probably dyslexia and took me to get tested at the age of 10. Before going to high school.

How has dyslexia impacted you in both positive ways and challenges?

At School I was thought of as stupid and sometimes lazy. Neither were true. I loved learning. I left high school believing I was not academic and that acting was all I was good at. I had shame around my spelling and my differences.

Since school I have discovered my love of learning again. I went to university and got a degree. I started my own business at 24.

Through the pandemic I have seen how incredible my dyslexic mind is. I changed my whole business model from face to face training to online training. Not only is it better, but I have doubled our turnover.

What support have you received for your dyslexia throughout your life?

My mother got me a tutor to help me improve my spellings. She also educated me about the gift of dyslexia and helped me to feel proud of it and use it to my advantage.

My own dyslexic brain has supported me throughout my life. Even as a small child I knew that teachers were wrong about me and were focusing on the wrong things. I often felt they missed the magic and creativity of my stories because they were looking at the spelling. I felt it was them missing out, not me.

Do you have a particular story or achievement you would like to share?

Setting up and running a successful training company that includes all learning styles. I also feel I have better empathy toward others because of my own personal experiences.

What advice would you have for someone who has recently been diagnosed with dyslexia?

That it’s a huge gift. That the dyslexic mind is a gift to humanity to helps us choose and create different ways of doing things. To use that gift to make the world a better place.

What one thing would you like the world to know about dyslexia?

That we can’t fix the worlds problems with the same thinking that caused them. Dyslexic thinking is our way forward.