You can call us on 0333 405 4567 at the following times to speak with one of our advisors:
- Tuesday 10am to 1pm
- Wednesday 10am to 1pm
- Thursday 1pm to 3pm
(Extended opening hours Thursday 1pm - 5pm effective Thursday 4th August)
You can also email your enquiries to: or through direct message from our Facebook and Instagram
It can take between 3 and 5 working days for a reply to the more complex enquiries, or during periods of high demand.
More helpful advice can be found below.
- General information and guidance on dyslexia and co-occurring conditions:
- Helpline Q&A's
- If you wanted to speak to us about your child at school these webpages may help: You can also email us an outline of the concerns that you wanted to discuss:
- If your enquiry is about the assessments services at the BDA you can find all the details at the following link: Assessments
- If your conversation with us is about dyslexia at work, these pages may be helpful: However, if it’s a capability or legal issue relating to the workplace you can call the ACAS helpline on: 0300 123 1100
- If you need support or guidance about assistive technology you can email:
- We do have an inbox for all enquiries about training:
- We also have lots of information on these pages:
The British Dyslexia Association Helpline is a national helpline service for people with dyslexia and dyscalculia and those who support them. It offers free, confidential, impartial information and signposting. We receive calls and emails from parents, students, adults with dyslexia, teachers, employers and professionals from a range of organisations.
It is through Helpline that dyslexic individuals can share their views about the support that is available. This may raise issues which, while personal to them, may well be affecting other people with dyslexia. All of this helps the BDA to take issues forward to influence policy, decision-makers and politicians.
Supporting the British Dyslexia Association Helpline
Our helpline is the only national, free helpline service for dyslexic people of all ages and those impacted by dyslexia. Run by volunteers with the support and guidance of our experts and specialists, it helps us influence policy changes. We can only make the biggest difference with your support.
Supporting the capacity and expertise of the British Dyslexia Association Helpline means faster and more straightforward support is available and opening hours can be extended. We strive to quickly deliver support to the 1 in 10 people in Britain with dyslexia.
Supporting our helpline can make a massive difference to the people that need our help. Find out all the ways you can support us.
Helpline volunteers
Our helpline is the only national, free helpline service for dyslexic people of all ages and those impacted by dyslexia. Our team of staff and volunteers offer confidential, impartial advice and information and listen to many varied accounts of how dyslexia affects people in their day-to-day lives. If you have a demonstrable understanding of dyslexia, good listening skills and a friendly telephone manner, we’d love to hear from you.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss the role before applying, please contact:
For more information about volunteering at the British Dyslexia Association, please click here.