Call for Evidence - Solving the SEND Crisis
Tuesday 7 January 2025

The Government’s Education Committee has published a call for evidence aimed at identifying short term actions to stabilise the SEND system which is in crisis. A lack of resources available to support demand means long waiting times for assessment and support, and increased pressure on schools and local authorities. The Committee will also be looking at how long-term sustainability can be achieved to support and improve the outcomes for children and young people with SEND.
The Committee are particularly keen to hear the voices and experiences of children and young people with SEND and welcomes evidence from parents and carers. We would like to encourage families to share their experiences with us so that we can include these within our evidence submission. You may also choose to submit your own evidence directly to the Committee by using the link to the call for evidence below.
We are particularly keen to hear about the SEN support available for dyslexic children in mainstream schools. How they are being identified and supported. The access the school has to diagnostic and specialist support services and the knowledge and skills of classroom teachers and teaching assistants. Plus the impact that your experiences have had on you and your child.
While all evidence shared with us will be anonymised prior to inclusion in our evidence. To avoid identification or breach confidentiality, please do not name specific people, educational settings or children in your submissions, or include information that would allow someone to work out who you are. We recommend that you write about your own experiences and keep information about other people to a minimum.
If you would like to share your experience with us, please email: by Wednesday 22nd January 2025.
If you would like to respond directly to the Committee, you can complete an online submission here The call for evidence closes on 30th January 2025 at 6pm